Sunday, June 9, 2024

Adding leaves

So I tried adding the leaves on the dark green this afternoon, much like I did on the other portions of the back.

While these are more distant hills, the process was the same.

First I applied on the black for depth.

Then the different shades of green, keeping the lightest shade to the left.

In most places along the backdrop, there will be varying amounts of 3D trees, so I'm hoping they will all somewhat blend together.  At this particular location, I'm not planning any trees, but there will be something along the base to hide the line between the backdrop and ground.

I really need to get some basic scenery down to see how this will look, but I think this has enough details to pass?

I am a firm believer that unless you're using a printed backdrop, the detail should be less than the foreground scenery so it doesn't draw your eyes away from the layout. 

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