Sunday, June 16, 2024

A little more terraforming

"I finally got the last of the mainline ballasted in Winnfield.

With this done I think I can finally start working on the scenery, I'll start by applying the base layer of ground foam."

Well I guess I need to back up a bit. 

Things are moving pretty quickly here lately and I kind of got ahead of myself a bit.  One thing my layout has been lacking is terrain that is below track level, not that this is a requirement, but is sure adds to the look and feel of a scene.

Several months ago I picked up a Milwaukee multi tool to aid in cutting my fascia.  It also occured to me that it should work to cut through the ceiling tile and underlying foam of the subroadbed.

So before I got started on the scenery base and getting it covered in dust, I decided to get after with it multi tool and the round blade.

This is what I had before I started, the tile was just below the fascia.

Being careful not to disturb the existing track and ballast, I held the tool at a slight angle, just close enough to the edge of the ballast and pushed it down towards the fascia.

It worked like a champ.  After clearing out the cut material I used my fingers to rub out any major imperfections, followed by several passes with the vacuum.  I was also happy that there wasn't as much dust as I thought there might be.

I'm hoping with a different blade installed, I can also cut the 1/8" fascia to somewhat follow the new contours?

If this all works, I'll sand the fascia edge smooth and paint the top edge black then seal the exposed ceiling tile with a good coat of earth latex.   Then maybe I can get started on the scenery base?

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