Monday, July 1, 2024

Another visitor!

This afternoon I had the pleasure of hosting another visitor to The Little Rock Line.

Alan B (some of you may know him as badlandnp on other train forums) and his wife Dorothy were on their way to Iowa to visit some friends & family and asked if they could stop by for a visit.

I've known him for a number of years through several model railroad forums.  Alan models in N scale and owns the Northern Pacific & Black Hills.   He brought along a couple of his favorite models to run on The Little Rock Line.  Both are BLI: a Pennsy T-1 and BLI Pacific that he lettered up in his own road, the Northern Pacific & Black Hills #104

Both had sound and both ran as smooth as silk as I've seen them run on his layout.

Thanks for stopping and thanks for an enjoyable afternoon, please drop by anytime Alan.

When I get a chance I'll get a quick video together of the Pacific and post it.  

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