Saturday, July 27, 2024

A little more ground cover

I'm progressing a little bit with the groundcover trying to get the brown hills covered with some vegetation.

Using one of those cheap $0.99 chip brushes, I spread some thinned glue over the areas I want covered, then I just liberally sprinkle some green turf mix over it and pat it all down.  Once dried I'll go back using my Red Devil vacuum and suck up the majority of it. I'll rub my fingers over what's left to get any foam that is only partially glued down removed.

To get away from a solid field of green, I'll also come back and apply some of the earth colored grout to give some patches of dirt here and there.

Why do this?  Well this gives me a solid base to start applying static grass.  Ground foam is much cheaper than static grass and with the ground foam covering the majority of the surface I won't need as much static grass to get a decent looking effect.

Once I get the static grass down, the trees, shrubs and bushes will come next followed by Kudzu to cover the remaining areas.

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