Since the 1299 didn't take very long to finish, I decided to push myself to get two more older GP7's done. These were two of the original 12 GP7's that The Rock received in July and August of 1950 and were numbered in the Fearsome Four Hundred series. The first one is 434.
The 434 it did not last until the shutdown. It was slated to be rebuilt and renumbered to 4495 but instead was traded to PNC (Precision National Corp) during the CRP (Capital Rebuilding Program) that was initiated in 1974, a program to rebuild the large majority of Rock Island's aging GP7's, which also included GP9's and GP18's.
But it will continue to run on my layout...
Again, I followed the same method of painting and weathering as I did on the previous GP7's and GP40's, I painted them, then did the major weathering followed by applying the decals.
I did not add much for details as it was pretty plain. The the spark arrestors are a new product that I found on Shapeways designed by Wutter, these are 3D printed and turned out very nice. I'm trying to decide if I should an All Weather Window on the engineers side? I have a JNJ kit, but it has 3 panes and not two.
One interesting tidbit I noticed when I was applying the number boards, is how the 3 digits are offset to the outer edges and not centered. Every image I could of the 400 series of GP7's were done up like this.