Wednesday, March 27, 2024

GP7 #1299

I just can't seem to help myself...

I just received this new Atlas GP7 a few days ago and I found myself with a little time to kill.  Knowing this wouldn't be a full on paint job since the loco came in the right paint scheme with no details to add, I decided to pull the trigger.

I have a long list of paint schemes to apply to my fleet of GP7's, two have been checked off my list now: the previous GP7 #1201 in the red and yellow and now this one.  

The #1299 is kind of an odd duck, as it's in the maroon and yellow scheme of the late 60's, but yet it carried the speed lettering that was common in the early 70's with the red and yellow scheme.  I did find a few more GP7's with this scheme as well as a few other models like the GP40's, U25/28b's and the U33B's.  Along with the lettering, this unit is still sporting the "Torpedo Tubes", a telltale sign of it's previous life, that  being in passenger service.

This is how it finished out.



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