Monday, August 26, 2024

Weathered Highway

After getting the crossing stencils and STOP lines applied with an airbrush, it was time to add some weathering.

For the overall weathering I went back to my trusted weathering medium: Pan Pastels.  I used a light gray to help fade the stripping a bit.  For the tread paths I used a bit darker gray and mixed it with the light gray and worked them in with a soft brush to keep them from becoming too heavy.  

Along the outer edges of the highway I used a light brown pastel to give it a dusty look from the dirt shoulder.

The oil spots near the crossings were made with a Soil Wash from Rail Center by MIG.  I used a small stiff brush, loaded it with the wash and shook most of it off.  Then I took a dental pick to gently pull back the bristles and let them "Flick" some of the wash onto the surface.  The cracks/tar lines were made using a fine tipped calligrapher’s pin, dipped in black India ink.   

Then it all received a coat of  Dullcote to seal in everything place.  

Now I can continue with the base scenery.