A proto-freelanced N scale layout depicting Subdivisons 38 & 39 of Rock Island's Southern Division.

Saturday, January 28, 2023
Some re-decaled hoppers.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
How I setup the Yard and the Trains in JMRI
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Renumbering cars for JMRI Ops
Since getting El Dorado, rebuilt nothing has been done on the layout since.
Shortly after I that I was conversing with some friends about operations on zoom meeting and they asked me what I use for my Ops. After telling them about my Tab On Cars they asked if I might be interested in using JMRI Ops which they both use.
Well it didn't take much convincing for me to give it a try. I downloaded it and started playing with but I just couldn't get my head wrapped around setting it up and using it. I got the jist of it but then Dave offered to help me with it.
At first I had planned to go with car types but soon decided that I might as well give using car numbers a go. I was going to have to break down and plan to use my cheaters in order to see some of the smaller numbers on some of the cars, but i figured what the hell, why not.
The first thing I had to do was to get on top of my car list which had gotten out of hand over the years. So that was my first big project. The first thing I did was start going through my vast rolling stock and start culling the duplicates and cars that were out of my era. I had also gotten a lot of newer versions of cars and culled out the older lower detailed cars.
This took me almost a month to go through the cars and I culled out over 100 cars which now allowed me to add the newer cars that I had picked up over time and add them to the list and my storage drawers.
This proved to be a big challenge as I had sold off around 300 cars several years ago and some I had not removed from my list. After getting the list straightened out and adding the newer cars I was shown how to copy the .CSV file from JMRI and add the cras from my master list so that I would be able to import all the cars on the list in one single shot.
This worked out good and it was done within a few minutes as opposed to adding them all one at a time.
My next project was to go through the remaining cars in the drawers and make sure all the Accumate trucks and couplers were replaced with Micro Trains trucks and couplers.
That was followed by finding all the duplicate numbered cars that I wanted to keep and changing the number by either removing a number, applying new decals for a different number or by using a #0000 spotters brush and actually painting a new number. By painting I mean like changing an 8 to a 0, an 8 to a 3. This took a little time to do but in the long run it saved me $ by selling the dupes off and buying new numbered cars. The cost of the cars have have increased to the point that t would have almost broke me, so I took the time and redid the numbers the best I could.
Another minor project that I had meant to do years ago were to restencil several cars that I had picked up that I had planned to apply new reporting marks and logos by making the decals myself. But in the time that had passed, some of these cars had been released by other companies such as Intermountain who made the Red TCAX grain hoppers that were already in the scheme I planned for so the Atlas versions of the TCAX hoppers I had, I just decided to redo them with new stencils by means of painting out the patches and relettering them with some new decals.
I had picked up six of the Atlas Trainman 4750 hoppers which were lettered for NOKL. Since NOKL was too new for my era, I dug through my decals and found some new reporting marks and numbers and simply redid them as second cars.
Here's what I wanted to make them as originally but missed them when they got released.