Sunday, September 22, 2024

A train is a coming...

so one needs lights and bell.

A few months ago Showcase Miniatures released a Model 10 crossing signal in N scale.  I had to have a few thinking this would be an awesome addition to the layout?  After getting the highway made and installed, I decided it was time to test my sanity.

These kits are fantastic.  They come with everything you need along with a few options for signs, such as the number tracks and different length crossing arms.  They even include a preprinted paper with signs and colored arms that you can cut out and apply to the proper items.

They are of course, a little tedious to assemble but frankly, quite easy.  This is the first time for me assembling something like this and I didn't have much trouble.  That said I didn't make it through the first one without loosing one small part.

Once assembled, I got it painted and then applied the paper cutouts for the signs.

I also had dreams of making them lit, well let's just say I'm still on the fence about that.  I did manage to drill out the light cases so as to thread the wires through them, I picked up some Red 402 LED's and I was talking to a buddy who loves to make electronic controllers.  So if I don't lose my mind before I'm finished, I should have these working as well.  Which will be a first on my layout.

I opted not to  use the crossarms for this location, the line does not see a lot of trains, so this should work.