Sunday, May 19, 2024

Back to the Farm scene...

OK, with the KCS units behind me, it's time to get back to some scenery?  It's getting warm and the basement is a cool place to be during the hot summer.

Yesterday a friend and I ventured down to Spring Creek hobbies in Deshler, NE for something to do on Saturday.

Even though I really don't need anything at the moment I wandered into the scenery department and started looking around, you know getting the cogs turning again. Knowing I want to get back to the farm scene, I started looking at stuff for trees, shrubs and kudzu.
I wound up picking up some Woodland Scenics Foliage clumps, course turf and a bag of Poly Fiber, things that I knew I was getting low on.

Today I got the last of the green floral foam glued into place. Now to let it dry before I start carving.

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