As usual, my layout is not modeled exactly after the prototype, but Ruston had a brick depot, which I think was more of a freight house?
So I wanted to try and find one that was close and decided upon the Walther's Santa Fe brick depot.
The first thing I did was to remove the circle on the end peaks and the semi circles on both bays. After cutting them off I then glued on some pieces of styrene to cap them off and then left off the end sections of the roof that overhung the end windows. Not perfect, but close enough for this modeler.
Then I painted the brick to somewhat match the original depot/freight house, but it came out a touch lighter than I had planned, but I'm hoping I can offset that when I get around to weathering it.
When it came time to plant it, I asked a friend what he might suggest? He told me to add a strip of styrene around the brick platform then sit right on the parking lot and finish it off with weeds. Instead of concrete, I chose a wooden border made from ties. So I took some time and cut up and stained a batch of ties from Balsa wood and glued them in place and now I have a way to reposition it when I have to take it up to weather it. Plus I have a sensor inside the depot for the right side of the crossing.
Once I get some signage applied and some details placed around it, I think it will be plausible or passable?
I've also got some Showcase Miniatures Train Order boards that I can add as well, if I can remember where I stashed them.