Sunday, March 17, 2019

"Static, on the radio..."

I'm sure the good folks in Haskell wasn't happy with me the other day when I applied the static grass?  I'm betting the airwaves were not getting through very well?

After getting the ground foam down for the scenery base, I pulled out the static grass and applicator and got after it.  I apologize for the crappy cell phone pics, I'm starting to think it's time to look into some photo stacking software?   

It's come a long way from this in just a few months.

With this step completed, I plan to go back to work on the buildings at Gavilon Fertilizer and get them painted and wrapped up.  Then I can finish the ground work for the parking lot.  Then I'll be to start adding trees and other details. 


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Things are greening up at Haskell

Since that damned Groundhog lied about an early Spring and the temps dropped along with some snow, I found some time this weekend to get more of the scenery base down.

Most of what I did this time was primarily to use the Scenic Express Turf blend to cover the majority of the section and added small amounts of Woodland Scenics fine Earth along the ballast shoulder.  I also added more crushed leaves where I plan to have groupings of trees.  I also sprinkled on some varying colors, but this was mostly around the tracks and the ballast.

I still want to come back and get some color between the sidings to help define the ballast edges. 

Hopefully in this shot you can see how I've tried to make the elevator tracks look ratty.

I think the next step will be to dig out and apply some static grasses?  After that.....maybe some trees and bushes...